Saturday, July 02, 2011


While eating taco bell yesterday, I reminisced to my high school days when I ate probably 2-3 meals a week at TB and two of my best buds and I would eat bean burritos before every baseball game. That was a lot of bean burritos!

So I surfaced a conversation with my boss about how good or tasty something can actually be. For the last few weeks, I've utilized my George Foreman grill and rice cooker to cook more often. Aside from my killer southern breakfasts and chili, I previously didn't make much. Now, I can whip up a spicy pepperjack chicken bacon sandwich or a rice dish with bakchoy and salmon like no other. AND, it tastes EFFEN good, far and above anything I can buy for $20.

This brings me to how tasty can something actually be. I mean I've taken girls out to some nice restaurants that are supposed to be GOOD but heck, I don't think my mouth enjoys it as much as Taco Bell. I had this new stufft bean-steak burrito last night and that was the best thing I put in my mouth since, well, wonder bread. Obviously there is another discussion here about the price elasticity of taste and a person definately gets more taste-price from a $2 taco then a $150 dinner in North Beach although the wine may not be as good. Either way, it can ONLY be sooooo tasty. And I would guess that Taco Bell hits 8 or 9 on the taste scale.

I remember my good buddy in HS took his prom date to McDonalds and did it candlelight style and she loved it because McRib was their favorite food - they got married. Let me tell you, any girl you take to taco bell who chows down appreciates good food and is definitely the one to keep around...

2009 is the year of $2 dates...tough economy. Play ball.

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